You should choose the job of a Medical Representative if you are passionate to be

  1. Part of the Healthcare System in our country.
  2. Feel for the patients & would like to see them cured.
  3. Want to do a Highly Rewarding Sales Job with an opportunity to go places &             ultimately reach the Top Position in any Pharma Corporate.

1. Part of the Healthcare System in our country

The Healthcare industry in India is projected to reach $372 billion (Rs 28, 00,000 Crores) by 2022. Healthcare System in our Country includes Doctors, Nurses, Dispensaries, Polyclinics, Small to Medium Private Hospitals, Big Government Hospitals & Medical Colleges, Big Private Corporate Hospitals, etc., Clinical Trials, Telemedicine and Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Medical Device, Surgical items, Diagnostic Heavy machines like MRI, CT Scan, etc Manufacturing & marketing companies.

Pharmaceutical Companies are the one, which on majority, employs the Medical Representatives. The complexity of the Drug Molecules, frequency of the introduction of new molecules, new dosage forms, new research on usability of the old molecules in different indications/diseases, etc. makes it imperative, to Pharma Corporate to employ Medical Representative to meet a set of 100 to 200 doctors in his Head Quarter.

In the past, few major companies have tried to completely do away with Medical Representative’s role, however, with no success.

In the past, few major companies have tried to completely do away with Medical Representative’s role, As this is indirect marketing, Pharma Companies need to update Doctors about the latest information, and doctors do require regular personal visits by the Medical Representative, the Pharma Corporate are compelled to employ them. , with no success.

2. Feel for the patients & would like to see them cured

As mentioned earlier, many Medical representatives enter this field by accident or by no choice. These people, struggle to make it successful career in Pharma Sales. In contrast to this, if the person, passionate for seeing ill patients getting cured or managed well to live a healthy life, can make a meaningful and rewarding career in this field.

Meeting a minimum of 10 doctors a day means coming across at least visually, more than 500 patients daily. For anybody who browses through so many patients daily, to feel for the patients is natural. One needs to strive hard to help the doctor get up-to-date information to treat his / her patients faster. This makes the Medical Representative, to read a lot of the latest information, sent by their Product Management Teams / Medical Departments, understand it thoroughly and disseminate this information during a discussion with doctors.

Many times, Pharma Corporates, organize Patient Education Program for the select set of patients with selected doctors who show interest in conducting such programs for their patients. Herein, the Medical Representative gets the opportunity to interact with the patients actively.

3. Want to do a highly Rewarding Sales Job with the opportunity to go places & ultimately reach the Top Position in any Pharma Corporate

As conveyed earlier, a Sales Job is a Highly Rewarding Job. Salaries and thereafter increments, promotions, incentives are very high for the salespeople, as compared to other departments. Many times, even, Marketing Teams, get lesser, incentives, or promotions than that of Salespeople. The Sales People which includes, Medical Representatives, are the main revenue generators for the Pharma Corporates. Therefore they are given this due respect and higher compensations.

To keep the Sales Teams motivated, their regular sales review or Strategy meetings are organized in well-known & popular destinations such as Hill stations, Locations with Tourist attractions in that part of the countries. Therefore, an average Sales Person is bound to visit such places in the country, more than any other department person from Pharma Industry.

Many times, Pharma Corporates, send the High Performer Medical Representatives to Foreign Countries on Incentive Trips for achieving Highest Sales for a particular brand in the Country.

Topmost positions are always occupied by the Sales Team members, who once, might have joined the career as Medical representatives either in the same organization or any other Pharma Corporate in the past.

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