An Embarrassing Moment worth a Read!

There are times when the most embarrassing moments of our lives become the most memorable ones.

I know you all must agree to it and even one or two such incidents would have cropped up in your mind.

Let me share my story about how a bag changed the perspective of a Doctor.

Medical Representatives tend to carry Smart Working Bags with them whenever they are on the field. But, do you know the fascinating journey and the revolution the bags had after their ancestors.  In the early days, Medical Representatives used to have a brown leather bag, a common model for everyone. These bags would mainly consist of pharmaceutical visual aid, product reminder card, reference folder, brand reminder inputs, and samples. If you are a medical representative, you’ve heard stories about incidents around bags, the emotions, and the rise in the career graph after the early days from your leaders.

Soon after, the same leather bag was forgotten and the new trend of Briefcases took over. Sleek, Compartmentalized, hard in texture, larger in size, Briefcases were made to address the issues medical representatives faced while traveling and working. 

Recalling one such incident with the briefcase, I happened to go on a joint working call with a medical representative to a leading physician. The representative carried a hard type of safari briefcase with all the necessary documents and samples.

He was quite experienced and one of the proactive members of our team so I was confident that our meeting would go well. We entered the cabin and exchanged pleasantries with the Doctor. The Doctor seemed to be in a good mood and the Medical Representative sensed it after a few quick glances. Without wasting a second, he kept the bag on his lap and opened it for the product monograph. He was ecstatic to launch a new product. 

But, unfortunately, when he opened the upper flap came in contact with the glass which covered the Doctor’s table. It shattered completely on the floor with a huge thud noise. Luckily no one was injured or hurt. Embarrassed and nervous as we were, we apologized and asked the Doctor to replace or either reimburses the loss but the Doctor, a genuine one, politely refused. He also continued with the Rx of our product but one thing changed. He grew not so fond of a hard type of briefcases and even the Medical Representatives who would carry one. 


Learning the etiquette of every profession is important but practicing it in your professional lives daily is mandatory. Be an example in your industry and soon you’ll see people following the right leader.

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